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After the Sight and Sound all time best list came out a few weeks ago, many folks asked me if I had such a list. After seeing the astonishing list by dear friend Gregory Lowry, I decided to jot one down. I do have to say that this list is very different from how it would have looked 10 years ago. It does mirror and was influenced by the Sight and Sound list as well as the aforementioned Mr. Lowry. It is hard not to be. That being said, I did add my own touch with some Gilliam, Winterbottom, Ramsay, and Kent. I have ordered it by year. Make what you will of it. It most likely will change again tomorrow.
A Trip to the Moon | George Melies |
1902 |
France |
The Immigrant | Charlie Chaplin |
1917 |
The Phantom Carriage | Victor Sjostrom |
1921 |
Sweden |
Nosferatu | F. W. Murnau |
1922 |
Germany |
Sherlock Jr. | Buster Keaton |
1924 |
Battleship Potemkin | Sergei Eisenstein |
1925 |
Russia |
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans | F. W. Murnau |
1927 |
Germany |
Passion of Joan of Arc | Carl Theodor Dreyer |
1928 |
Denmark |
Man With a Movie Camera | Dziga Vertov |
1929 |
Russia |
Earth | Alexander Dovzhenko |
1930 |
Russia |
M | Fritz Lang |
1931 |
Germany |
Madchen in Uniform | Leontine Sagan |
1931 |
Germany |
City Lights | Charlie Chaplin |
1931 |
Vampyr | Carl Theodor Dreyer |
1932 |
Denmark |
Scarface | Howard Hawks |
1932 |
Rules of the Game | Jean Renoir |
1939 |
France |
The Wizard of Oz | Victor Fleming |
1939 |
Shop Around the Corner | Ernst Lubitsch |
1940 |
The Maltese Falcon | John Huston |
1941 |
Citizen Kane | Orson Welles |
1941 |
Sullivan’s Travels | Preston Sturges |
1941 |
Double Indemnity | Billy Wilder |
1944 |
My Darling Clementine | John Ford |
1946 |
The Red Shoes | Emeric Pressberger, Michael Powell |
1948 |
England |
Bicycle Thieves | Vittorio De Sica |
1948 |
Italy |
The Third Man | Carol Reed |
1949 |
England |
Late Spring | Yasajuro Ozu |
1949 |
Japan |
Sunset Boulevard | Billy Wilder |
1950 |
Ikuru | Akira Kurosawa |
1952 |
Japan |
Singing in the Rain | Gene Kelley, Stanley Donan |
1952 |
Tokyo Story | Yasajuro Ozu |
1953 |
Japan |
The Hitchhiker | Ida Lupino |
1953 |
Ugetsu | Kenji Mizoguchi |
1953 |
Japan |
Seven Samurai | Akira Kurosawa |
1954 |
Japan |
Rear Window | Alfred Hitchcock |
1954 |
On the Waterfront | Elia Kazan |
1954 |
Ordet | Carl Theodor Dreyer |
1955 |
Denmark |
Pather Panchali | Satiajit Ray |
1955 |
India |
Night of the Hunter | Charles Laughton |
1955 |
Throne of Blood | Akira Kurosawa |
1957 |
Japan |
Seventh Seal | Ingmar Bergman |
1957 |
Sweden |
Cairo Station | Youssef Chahine |
1958 |
Egypt |
Vertigo | Alfred Hitchcock |
1958 |
Pickpocket | Robert Bresson |
1959 |
France |
400 Blows | Francois Truffaut |
1959 |
France |
Breathless | Jean-Luc Godard |
1960 |
France |
The Apartment | Billy Wilder |
1960 |
Cleo From 5 to 7 | Agnes Varda |
1962 |
France |
8 !/2 | Federico Fellini |
1963 |
Italy |
Winter Light | Ingmar Bergman |
1963 |
Sweden |
Daisies | Vera Chytilova |
1966 |
Czechoslovakia |
Au Hasard Balthazar | Robert Bresson |
1966 |
France |
Persona | Ingmar Bergman |
1966 |
Sweden |
Playtime | Jacques Tati |
1967 |
France |
Weekend | Jean-Luc Godard |
1967 |
France |
2001: A Space Odyssey | Stanley Kubrick |
1968 |
Wanda | Barbara Loden |
1970 |
Walkabout | Nicholas Roeg |
1971 |
England |
A New Leaf | Elaine May |
1971 |
Solaris | Andrei Tarkovsky |
1972 |
Russia |
The Godfather | Frances Ford Coppola |
1972 |
Touki Bouki | Djribil Diop Mambety |
1973 |
Senegal |
The Godfather II | Frances Ford Coppola |
1974 |
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre | Toby Hooper |
1974 |
Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commence, 1800 Buxelles | Chantal Akerman |
1975 |
France |
Nashville | Robert Altman |
1975 |
Harlan County USA | Barbara Kopple |
1976 |
Taxi Driver | Martin Scosese |
1976 |
Stroszek | Werner Herzog |
1977 |
Germany |
The American Friend | Wim Wenders |
1977 |
Germany |
The Ascent | Larisa Shepitko |
1977 |
Russia |
Days of Heaven | Terrence Malick |
1978 |
Stalker | Andrei Tarkovsky |
1979 |
Russia |
Alien | Ridley Scott |
1979 |
The Draughtman’s Contract | Peter Greenaway |
1982 |
England |
Brazil | Terry Gilliam |
1985 |
The Fly | David Cronenberg |
1986 |
Canada |
Where is the Friend’s House? | Abbas Kiarostami |
1987 |
Iran |
Do the Right Thing | Spike Lee |
1989 |
Daughters of the Dust | Julie Dash |
1991 |
Breaking the Waves | Lars Von Trier |
1996 |
Denmark |
Princess Monanoke | Hayao Miyazaki |
1997 |
Japan |
Ratcatcher | Lynne Ramsay |
1999 |
England |
Eyes Wide Shut | Stanley Kubrick |
1999 |
In the Mood for Love | Wong Kar-Wai |
2000 |
Hong Kong |
Y tu mama tambien | Alfonso Curon |
2001 |
Mexico |
Mulholland Drive | David Lynch |
2001 |
Monsoon Wedding | Mira Nair |
2001 |
India |
Oldboy | Park Chan-Wook |
2003 |
South Korea |
House of Flying Daggers | Zhang Yimou |
2004 |
China |
Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story | Michael Winterbottom |
2005 |
England |
Pan’s Labyrinth | Guillermo del Toro |
2006 |
Mexico |
Persepolis | Marjane Satrapi |
2007 |
Iran |
There Will Be Blood | Paul Thomas Anderson |
2007 |
Bright Star | Jane Campion |
2009 |
Australia |
Girlhood | Celine Sciamma |
2014 |
France |
Moonlight | Barry Jenkins |
2016 |
The Rider | Chloe Zhou |
2017 |
China |
The Nightingale | Jennifer Kent |
2018 |
Australia |
Parasite | Bong Joon-ho |
2019 |
South Korea |
Written by: Gareth Jones
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